
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30

Ham slice, American cheese, wheat crackers, carrot shreds, 
Snap Pea Crisps, cantaloupe & honeydew

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29

Turkey & American cheese on wheat (B & W initials), 
carrot shreds, celery, orange bell peppers and grapes

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25

Hot dog, celery, orange bell pepper, grapes and pear

September 24

Ham and American cheese on wheat sandwich, snap pea crisps, 
orange bell pepper, cucumber, and grapes

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23

Ham & spinach pita pocket, cheddar cheese shapes, red bell peppers, 
green beans, grapes and a Rice Krispies treat!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22

Ham slice, wheat crackers, Colby cheese shapes, spinach, 
green beans, grapes & a tangerine

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19

Cheddar cheese quesadilla, red bell pepper, tangerine, honeydew and spinach

September 18

Ham, cheese & spinach on whole wheat, a plum, red bell pepper, honeydew & cataloupe

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17

Hot dog, wheat crackers, spinach, carrots, honeydew and cataloupe

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More Lunch Box Notes

Today I finished another round of lunchbox notes.  I like to have lots stored up, so I went ahead and made a bunch.  These should now last me the rest of the semester once I make some Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas notes to throw in the mix. 
Again, I got the ideas from various Pinterest printable sites, but I also varied the designs, colors and sayings on them and tried to make them my own.  I added a few more scripture notes this go 'round, and even drew some fun animals and pictures on these!  I'm pleased with how they turned out, and I know Berkley will love them!
 Close up of the notes...

September 16

Ham & lettuce pita pocket, cheddar cheese, cucumbers, cantaloupe & grapes.

September 15

Because he's super-helpful, Stephen packed lunch first thing on Monday morning before I could even get to it!  I'm thankful for his help, and proud of his effort!

Pepperoni in a pita pocket, carrots, grapes & cheddar cheese

Friday, September 12, 2014

Lunch Notes

The first few days of school I put a note in Berkley's lunch box.  At some point, I didn't write a note, and boy did I hear about it that afternoon!!  Berkley claimed that he loved reading the notes from me at lunch, and now that he can actually read, I thought it would be a good way remind him of things mid-day.  
For a while I wrote notes that basically said, "Obey your teachers & be a good friend.  I love you." Stephen saw these and said, "If you're going to write him notes every day you at least need to mix it up a bit."  
Pinterest to the rescue!
I scoured Pinterest for lunchbox notes and realized that instead of printing them off, I could easily write & draw them myself!  So, that's exactly what I've been doing.  I use the Pinterest notes for inspiration, then make a few weeks' worth of notes at one time.  I keep the notes in a stack on the counter and pick one each day to go in his lunchbox.  
Berkley loves the notes and does seem to genuinely appreciate them.  Aside from that, it gives me an excuse to bring out the markers every few weeks!  I've also found that making these notes is also an opportune time for concentrated prayer over Berkley, his school, his health, his teachers, and whomever he is sitting with that particular day at lunch.

September 12

Pizza pockets filled with sausage, cheese & pepperoni (2 of them) 
with marina sauce for dipping, cucumbers, oat crackers, cantaloupe and blueberries

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11

Ham, cheese & spinach sandwich on wheat bread, carrots, 
cucumbers, honeydew & grapes.

September 9

Ham slice, American cheese, wheat crackers, carrots, spinach, banana & blueberries

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4

Macaroni & cheese, carrots, spinach, grapes & strawberries

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3

Ham, cheese & spinach roll-up, snap pea crisps, cucumbers, carrots, strawberries & grapes.

September 2

Pepperoni slices, popcorn, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, honeydew & carrots